
Asheville Chamber of Commerce 5K Run

Asheville Chamber of Commerce 5K Run

Always a pleasure to serve the community that we work and live in, Ciel and AIBL Invest LLC, take pride in helping out at the Asheville Chamber of Commerce as much as we can. On Friday June 3rd, the Asheville Chamber hosted a fundraising 5k Run for their own organization which is fully supported by their own funding and sponsorships.  The chamber does a great job in Asheville of promoting local businesses and linking business in the area together to continue growth and awareness of the city and region.

5k Run

The 5k Run allowed 1,400 runners and walkers to raise money for the Asheville Chamber, as well as, allowing sponsors and their employees an afternoon out of the office for team building,  social responsibility, and exercise.  We were able to help in two different and effective ways by volunteering to fold shirts and help with the administration of the run itself and also provide direction to participant traffic and automobile traffic on the roads that were part of the 5K Run.


Needless to say, it was a fun and exciting day for all involved.

Ciel is a luxury mountain residential development on Elk Mountain Scenic Highway that allows the owner to live an environmentally friendly lifestyle without compromising the integrity of the natural landscape.  We look forward to more Asheville Chamber of Events and volunteering to help them attract new business to the city!

Posted in Asheville Entertainment

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